Engagement Is Everything

Our innovative platform uses interactive, focused gameplay to amplify quiet voices, enhance problem-solving, improve learning outcomes, and foster team cohesion.

GoodGames Makes Organizations Better

We created the GoodFocus Method to directly address organizational challenges. Paired with our innovative software platform, it leverages focused gameplay to reveal insights and drive impactful change at all levels.


Collaborate with one of our Experience Experts to supercharge engagement, participation, and comprehension while collecting useful metrics for new or existing sessions.


Power up your conference’s engagement strategy and dive into participation metrics with our leading-edge platform. Discover how our tools and methods can make your next event unforgettable.


Got a company or conference presentation? Or maybe a sales pitch with a potential client that could use better engagement? Our Engagement Experts invigorate old presentations or bring new ones to life!


Anonymous features and organized structure help bring out the best solutions or ideas and facilitate meaningful conversations to deliver and discuss the information you want and need fast.

Why We Do It

Burnout is real. Meetings are boring. Training sessions are excruciatingly dull.

Employees are turned off by false engagement. They don’t see their voices reflected, attempts to address difficult subjects can be clumsy at best, offensive at worst, and often fail to have a meaningful impact.

How We Do It

Experience tangible results with the GoodFocus Method

Research shows that focused gameplay, or social gamification, not only enhances individual performance but also fosters increased cohesion, commitment, and overall organizational success.

The insightfulness, creativity, and Mark's exceptional facilitation skills led to new insights, innovative ideas, and broadened our strategic thinking.

Aimee Gibson, BraveJoy Leadership Consulting

The ability to engage anonymously was particularly important...and the gaming enhanced engagement by allowing for candid feedback that may not otherwise have been received. We have recommended GoodGames to our clients.

Theresa Turner, Synchronized Resources

Every student was personally and actively engaged with each other and at the same time with the instructor/facilitator, nearly the entire two hour session ̧ which is in marked contrast to the “listen and take notes” model. We had a fabulous session.

–Leah A Dundon, J.D., Ph.D. Vanderbilt University School of Engineering


How To Get Started

Step 1

Set Up A Meeting

Meet with one of our Engagement Experts

Step 2

Share Your Objectives

Share your information, learning, or engagement goals

Step 3


A customized demo based on your objectives

Name Dropping (Clients)

Stuff We Hear A Lot (FAQ)

What can collaborating with GoodGames do for me/my company?

Our sessions are organized around several key areas of engagement that are critical to the success of every team in every organization. We often collaborate with leaders of all kinds to improve the quality of feedback, education and training, creativity and brainstorming, and team building and problem solving. Our creative Session Engagement Experts work with you to determine your needs and goals and work to achieve that in a high output, highly interactive way.

What is gamification and how is it beneficial?

Nerd time! Yay! Gamification, specifically social gamification, has been proven to activate the hippocampus (the section of the brain largely responsible for knowledge recall) as well as trigger the release of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins. This response not only makes the participant feel good but also allows them to increase their capacity for learning, memory and attention. 

Additionally, it reduces stress, increases one’s capacity to process information, and mitigates the effects of cognitive overload. Research suggests that gamification not only enhances individual performance but also leads to increased team cohesion, task commitment, and overall team performance. This, in turn, drastically improves the wellbeing of employees and enhances productivity.

What kind of results do the sessions yield and what can I do with them?

Even though all of our games can be played anonymously and we don’t capture any identifying data, we capture an incredible amount of participation data. This data is helpful in better understanding everything that’s really going on within the experience on the participant level. It can showcase where there’s a drop in learning or understanding, it can show categories and themes based on feedback, and much much more.

And yes, you can absolutely keep all the data, metrics, and reporting we offer. These reports are useful for leadership and in helping to make more informed decisions.

But leaving participants with a lasting representation of the work they’ve done is often a good tool for continued collaboration beyond the game experience.

Some tools have a specialized result that can often be shared with all of the participants. With Cartoonathon, participants are left with the custom New Yorker-style cartoons created in their session. With Headlines, we have the ability to export mock-up newspaper headlines that directly reflect the group’s exchange of ideas. I Think, We Think generates a very informative word cloud or cluster that represents the experience of the game. All of these can be shared with participants to remind them of the change or ideas discussed in each session.

Clearly this is special and unique but how am I supposed to use this?

Thank you! I’m glad you recognize how special it is! Remember, this is a new methodology for lots of people. They feel the benefits but they don’t know how it applies to them. But why would you? It’s new! Leave it to us to help identify a great way to use this. Since our methodology and tools do a lot, there’s a lot they can fit into. That’s why we suggest a quick chat to start with.

Often our approach is to listen to learning or informational goals, take a look at any existing materials, then prepare a demo on what we think might be the best approaches to your session. You then make all the decisions on what stays, what goes, and what changes need to be made. Then, on the day of the session, we work together to deliver a really great experience.


Don't games lack credibility in a professional space?

This is a really great question and the answer hinges on your definition of ‘game.’ If your only experience has been board games or video games, it might be difficult for you to justify games or gamification as a serious learning or informational method or to communicate its effectiveness to colleagues.

However, a broader understanding of games and game mechanics will reveal that social gamification can make every aspect of work better through many different elements like structure (rules) and motivation (points).

Do I have to download something to play?

All of our games are web-based meaning anyone with the game link can participate in a game event. This is ideal for being compatible with the many amazing video platforms available to businesses and organizations like Zoom, Teams, WebEx, Whereby, etc. We work in conjunction with any communication platform and in hybrid and in-person settings as well.

Are your tools compatible with mobile devices?

Since our games are web-based, they work with any of your communication devices. In fact, our games are mobile-first while also being optimized for desktop and laptop computers and tablets.

Is the feedback really anonymous?

Yes. It is. We don’t track any identifying information nor do we have any desire to. We believe that candid, honest feedback is the best way to identify issues and their solution, brainstorm new ideas, and do a full well-being check. Each game has the ability for people to self-identify, and some games benefit from knowing who the person is. Beyond that, we do not track any identifying information. You can read more about it in our PRIVACY POLICY.

Do your sessions work with in-person events?

Absolutely. At our core, we create game activities that are designed to generate feedback. This can be done with participants in the room, remotely across the globe, or anywhere in between. Regardless of where your workforce is, the mechanisms work across the board.

How many participants can your platform support?

I like how you worded that. So official sounding! Our platform can support several hundred and has even supported over 1000 in a single event.

I will say that, depending on your informational or learning goals, we highly recommend that you chat with us about what kind of experience is best for your session. We use lots of different kinds of data to support our recommended session sizes. So, this is less about HOW MANY and more about HOW WELL.

Do we need a facilitator or moderator to run the sessions?

Each session does require a facilitator in some capacity, except in some rare instances where autonomous sessions do work. Any session can be easily facilitated by someone within the organization or company.

However, because this is a new methodology, our Expert Facilitators are here to work with you. They are very skilled at leading sessions while using the tools and work with you to have a great understanding of the subject material. Often, the best way to start and deliver any sessions is to have a facilitator from your company work with one of our EFs (we don’t call them that but it sounded good here).

Over time, many of our clients have taken on facilitating them on their own while others, even when they feel comfortable with the tools, prefer to have us involved in every session. The flexibility exists and we help you every step of the way.